Things to do or know before playing indoor hockey
As we begin our indoor season, we want to ensure the well-being of our players so that everyone will enjoy the indoor game safely.

What's the difference between indoor and outdoor?

Pitch size, playing surface, temperature, number of players on the pitch – the basic differences between the indoor game and the outdoor game are obvious. But what about the skills and abilities that are needed to be a successful indoor or outdoor player? And can you be good at both?

Read more on the FIH website.

Get the proper stick and protection

The most important piece of protection is the indoor glove and the glove must cover your fingers. Otherwise, it could look like Jenny's finger (even though she had a proper full finger glove on):

So, please make sure you have an indoor glove before you attend your first indoor training!

The indoor stick is slightly different from the outdoor stick. They have the same shape but they are thinner and lighter. You can borrow sticks from the club before you purchase your own.

We have a Nacka discount with Reece. Please contact us for the discount code.

*The indoor sticks are indicated with "IN"

Familiarise yourself with the indoor rules

Hitting the ball and lifting the ball off the ground while passing are forbidden in indoor (shooting on goal is the only time that the ball is allowed to be lifted off the ground.) Obviously, there are more rules and regulations that you should know too. Make sure you go through the rules before our first indoor training:

Read the indoor hockey rules

Understand the indoor game

Below are some indoor matches that you can watch and gain a better understanding of the skills and tactics required for playing indoor hockey.

Indoor Hockey World Cup - Men's Final
Indoor Hockey World Cup - Women's Final

Indoor season 2021–22

Indoor training will begin on Sunday, 17th October.
Location: Järla Sportshall
Address: Järla Östra skolväg 4, 131 40 NackaTime: 20.00 – 22.00
Fees: 900 kr (indoor only)

The membership fee should be paid to the club account:
Plusgiro 300739-0
Account 9960 2603007390
IBAN SE56 9500 0099 6026 0300 7390

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